Tame the Wild

This is a project called Freestyle from one of my senior design classes.

For this assignment, I was asked to find an existing non-profit organization that I cared about. After that, I was tasked with creating a campaign that would convince people to think and act differently. I chose Youth Yoga Program, a non-profit that teaches a curriculum for schools to introduce yoga practices to children and adolescents.

I discovered that an old teacher of mine had started a Mindfulness Club at Grandview Heights after becoming trained as a yoga instructor. I spent some time interviewing her to understand the real impact that yoga and mindfulness can have on students. After our interview, I felt equipped to battle the task at hand and create the Tame the Wild campaign!


I worked with three possible concepts and ultimately chose Tame the Wild. I wanted to emphasize the playfulness and sometimes unruly behaviors in both kids and animals.

My plan was to create illustrations depicting the animal named yoga poses downward-facing dog, lions breath, and butterfly pose to show that through yoga one can tame the inner animal of their student, child, or teen.


Each poster displays a different yoga pose and child and a testimonial from a child or parent who benefitted from the Youth Yoga Program. These posters would be found in schools for students and parents to see, in order to change their preconceptions about yoga.

Animated gif

I wanted to create a series of gifs to be shared on social media by schools and parents to share on social media about the poses in the campaign. This example shows how to breathe deeply while in a butterfly pose.

Adobe Aero

Adobe Aero is an augmented reality technology for the iPhone that enables you to scan a QR code to see a 3D image on Aero. I designed this file specifically for Aero to show the user the steps to do downward-facing dog. The QR code for these would be found on yoga mats in classrooms following the Youth Yoga Program curriculum.

Download Adobe Aero on your smartphone and scan the QR code to experience the AR!

Stop-motion hand illustrated animation

A final element required to complete this project was a video. This was my first time experimenting with this style and I loved the result, especially after the hours it took to put it together. This was designed to be shared on social media by parents and teachers as a fun way to show the playfulness that can come from yoga.

